
Studio ACE is a 501(c)(3) arts education nonprofit organization with a mission to connect, inspire, and enrich lives through Arts, Community, and Education (ACE).


Arts: There is a severe lack of arts education for children and adults in the North County San Diego area. In the Oceanside Unified School District alone there is little or no arts education for students until they reach high school. Studio ACE fills the gap by offering arts enrichment programs throughout the community.

Community: North County San Diego is one of the most culturally diverse and ethnically rich areas in the United States. While these cultures are recognized and observed through festivals and other offerings, there is a lack of awareness in the community about the diversity of the community itself. Studio ACE brings awareness and celebrates diversity through community events and actions. The arts are a perfect vehicle to accomplish these goals.

Education: Education should be the cornerstone of society. With education, the world opens up. Studio ACE works with community leaders, organizers, and teachers to educate the community and make it stronger.


Accountability: We vow to use our resources to better our students and community and to maintain financial integrity at all times.

Collaboration: We promote collaboration with members of our community to best serve the people in it.

Commitment to Excellence: We promise to hold our organization to the highest standards in regards to transparency, integrity and honesty.

Compassion: We care what happens in and to our community and want to be a part of lifting our community up.

Creativity: We believe in every person’s imagination, inspiration and ingenuity, whether great or small, and it is our intention to promote and foster such creativity.

Openness: We respect all people and embrace and encourage diversity. The arts are as diverse as our global community and we welcome all creativity.

Participation: We encourage volunteers of all ages and walks of life to be a part of our organization. We can’t do it without you!

cultural equity

Studio ACE has always strived to be culturally and racially aware and to promote and explore our rich and diverse communities. Studio ACE was founded on the principles of openness, diversity, and uplifting our community through the Arts. ACE’s “Mission, Vision, and Values” statements reflect this commitment, stating that Studio ACE will bring awareness and celebrate diversity through community events and actions, and that ACE will respect all people and embrace and encourage diversity. The arts are as diverse as our global community and we welcome all creativity.

To further underscore our strongly held belief in Cultural Equity, Studio ACE has adopted a Cultural Equity Statement, as developed by Americans for the Arts. Studio ACE stands committed to "champion policies and practices of cultural equity that empower a just, inclusive, and equitable nation." To read and download the full statement, please click here